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ANTI-CANCER,               LOW SUGAR,








The Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine states: Research has shown that people who eat a diet free of animal products, high in plant foods, and low in fat have a much lower risk of developing cancer.  Check out their website describing the science behind how a plant-based diet provides cancer-fighting compounds and immune-boosting nutrients that cells need to be healthy and includes more than 130 delicious, easy-to-prepare recipes.

What are the Best Anti-Cancer Foods to Eat?  Dr. William Li, cancer researcher and  co-founder of the Angiogenesis Foundation gave a profound Ted Talk called “Can We Eat To Starve Cancer? He discusses a new way to think about treating cancer and other diseases: anti-angiogenesis, preventing the growth of blood vessels that feed a tumor. The crucial first (and best) step: Eating cancer-fighting foods that cut off the supply lines and beat cancer at its own game.  Here is an important slide from his presentation:


Gary Null, PhD offers a great article and list of foods that inhibit or reverse cancer initiation or progression: Preventing and Reversing Cancer Naturally: The Anticancer Diet Shopping List

David Servan-Schreiber, M.D., Ph.D.,  author of Anticancer: A New Way of Life shares “Protective Studies showing links between consumption of specific foods and the incidence of cancer in human populations”:

Foods Participants Cancer Type Risk Reduction
Cruciferous vegetables 47,9094,30929,361 Bladder,Lung,Prostate 50%30%50%
Tomatoes 47,365 Prostate 25%
Citrus Fruit 521,457 Stomach, Esophagus 25%
Leafy greens (Dietary Folic Acid) 81,92211,699 PancreasBreast (post-menopause) 75%44%
Lignans (flax seeds and others) 58,049 Breast (post-menopause , estrogen-receptor +) 28%
Carrots 470,802 Head and neck 46%
Apples, pears, plums 470,802 Head and neck 38%
Green Tea 69,710 Colorectal 57%
Vegetable oils & Nuts (Dietary tocopherols) 295,344 Prostate 32%
Vitamin D / Calcium 10,578 Breast (pre-menopause) 35%

Dr Joel Furhman sites many studies regarding The Anti-Cancer Diet as the key element in the fight against cancer.

All vegetables are not equally protective. Epidemiological studies suggest that cruciferous vegetables, onions, and mushrooms are far more protective against cancer than vegetables overall – inverse relationships between cruciferous vegetable intake and breast, prostate, lung, and colorectal cancers have been found.29 For example, in one prospective study, one or more servings per week of cabbage reduced the risk of pancreatic cancer by 38%.30 This was only one serving a week, which demonstrates that dramatic protection is available and real when a diet is ideally designed. The regular consumption of mushrooms has been demonstrated to decrease risk of breast cancer by over 60 percent.31 Onions, berries, seeds and beans also have dramatic beneficial effects.32Beans in general, not just soy, are beneficial for protecting against reproductive cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.33

A typical anti-cancer diet should contain at least 4 fresh fruits daily, at least one large raw green salad, as well as a two other cooked (steamed) vegetables, such as broccoli, carrots and peas, squash or other colorful vegetables. A huge pot of soup laden with vegetables, herbs and beans can be made once a week and conveniently taken for lunch. Raw nuts and seeds are another important, but often overlooked, group of foods with documented health benefits contributing to longevity.

What is an ALKALINE diet and what are the best ALKALINE foods? Here are the benefits of an alkaline diet and an alkaline/acid food chart.

The most useful strategy is to eat a plant-based diet focusing on a wide variety of colored fruits and vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage contain a cancer-preventing compound so potent that is being investigated as a chemotherapy agent. Berries are rich in beneficial phytonutrients and antioxidants. Overall, a diet that emphasizes fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, cold water fish that provide omega-3 fatty acids (fish eaters have a reduced risk of cancer) is the best nutritional strategy. At the same time, we recommend decreasing your intake of animal fats in general and red meat and dairy products in particular to control cancer-promoting inflammation in the body. I personally believe that refined sugar and carbohydrates are not beneficial for individuals living with cancer because of their effect on insulin production and insulin-like growth factors, which promote inflammation and are also associated with cancer cell division. – Dr. Andrew Weil

Are there specific foods to avoid or minimize to reduce cancer risk? Much has been mentioned in the articles above, but here is a list of the Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods – never eat these again!